Short-term trips can be exciting, challenging and rewarding. It’s a big job leading a group into a new place with different cultures, customs, laws, food, religions and germs. Here are 5 steps to better mission trips:
RECRUIT: having the right team members can make or break a trip. Great team members are: disciples, learners, humble, teachable, curious, compassionate, competent and flexible.
TEAM: healthy teams typically lead to better trips. Tension, conflict and confusion will distract from the main purposes of the trip.
TRAIN: there is a direct correlation between training and the effectiveness of trips. Prepared team members are trained to be sensitive to the new culture, to be a good teammate, how to share the gospel, understand the religions context, how to travel safe, and how to disciple.
SUPPORT: ensure every team member has support in prayer and finances. It’s great for each team member to have at least 5 partners who are praying and/or giving to support the trip.
DEBRIEF: cross-cultural experiences provide a unique opportunity for your team members to grow and to be discipled. Debriefs should happen at the end of each day on the trip and upon return. Returning members can become excellent mobilizers for future mission activities and discipleship opportunities locally and globally.