Thanks to S.O.E for this great resource:
As the world thinks about opening up to travel, there will be new expectations of those mobilizing mission teams, but we must not forget our purpose of glorifying God first. The 7 Standards provide a road map to mission trips that glorify God, so we look at returning to travel through the lens of these 7 Standards.
First and foremost, God must be at the center of our service. When service is motivated by our own personal gain we risk losing perspective and putting others at risk. If you are considering traveling on a mission trip, download SOE's COVID-19 Travel Considerations infographic on what to consider. As you work through this checklist of items, inspect your heart and motivation to be sure that you are making a wise decision and not simply one that satisfies your desire to travel again.
As you consider whether it’s safe to travel again, make sure you take into account whether it’s safe for your partner to host you. We believe in Empowered Partnerships. The “Empowered” part is intentional and important. Many mission trip hosts often feel a lack of power and inability to say “no” or provide strong direction for a mission trip. A central focus of the guidance that is in this packet is intentional discussion with your host. As you engage in discussion, make sure your partner is empowered to guide the discussion and keep their ministry and community safe and healthy.
When you determine that it is safe to travel, we recommend developing a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. This guidance is not advice and may not account for every nuance of your situation, but it is a place to start.
A COVID-19 Preparedness Plan should address four areas: our hosts, participants, leaders, and our response.