Your mission team was recruited, trained and ready to go but along came the unexpected! Who could imagine that a new virus could have such a global impact? Disappointment is understandable. What could you do to help your church members still have a cross-cultural experience even in the context of a stay-at-home order? Many have already turned to virtual tools to continue to do church ministry so why not use the same tools for a “Virtual Short-Term Mission Trip”? You are creative and can make this Virtual Mission Trip better but here are a few idea starters:
A few details to consider
Pick a day and time.
Secure a virtual, online tool like Zoom, Google or Webex. Here is a review of options.
Recruit your missionary partners.
Announce the opportunity to your members.
Invite and send information and details.
Schedule a live, virtual time with your missionary partners:
Potential questions for your missionary partners:
What’s the current state in your area and ministry?
How are you and your family doing?
What’s an interesting element of the culture that has been revealed in the moment of crises? What’s a positive element you’ve observed? What is a troubling element?
What are you praying for right now and for the future?
How are your partners and those you do ministry with?
How have you seen God move or lead in this time?
Have a time for questions and answers.
Facilitate a time of prayer together.
Challenge everyone to search for recipes online for an opportunity to try something new. Everyone should use existing ingredients in their house to make a meal from another culture. Invite everyone to share their experience sand their recipes.
Encourage everyone to do a virtual prayer walk of your ministry areas using Google Earth.
Find and share songs in the language of your place of ministry.
Take up an offering to sustain ongoing support and ministry projects. Consider using funds previously raised for mission trips. Need project ideas?
Write virtual letters- have members write letters, scan or take pictures of the letters and share with your partners.
Purchase appropriate and usable gift cards for food, digital resources, or online supplies. Consult with your mission partners prior to purchasing.