Many short-term trips have been appropriately canceled due to travel restrictions and COVID-19 concerns. What can your church do in this moment to make lasting, internal impact globally?
Support your partners: many nonprofits have nationals and missionaries who are living on the front lines who still need your support. Communicate your commitment to them in financial support, prayer and long term partnership.
Develop new partners: the Missionary Travel Association has been blessed with many member organizations doing life changing work all over the globe. We would be happy to help connect you with projects, partnerships and other opportunities.
Find ways to give: although short-term trips may have to be suspended for a period of time, there are great ways your church can provide for those still living in various contexts around the world doing great ministry. Once again, we would be happy to connect you with opportunities.
Plan for the future: yes, this momentary crises will pass, the world might look different on the other side but God's mission will not change. Many churches are planing for trips beyond April. We at MTA are happy to provide excellent benefits for those future trips.
Share your ideas: has God led to some innovative ways to minster in the midst of this reality? Share your ideas with us and we will share them on the Community Page on our website. To submit an idea or story, please fill out this form.